
A Musical Interlude

Tomorrow, we will have some important news to announce about my campaign on the blog. For today, it is my pleasure to provide you with Adam’s favorite music video, a late 1950s live, souped-up performance of “Lonely Teardrops” by the late Jackie Wilson. Adam’s infatuation with Jackie Wilson is totally random—he saw my Jackie Wilson’s Greatest Hits CD in the front seat of the car, was intrigued with the fact that it was purple, and asked for the “Purple Music.” Now Purple Music has temporarily eclipsed The Wiggles.

The only downside of Adam loving this video is that he keeps trying to duplicate Jackie’s patented “dropping to the ground and getting back up” dance move, but so far he has only got the collapsing to the ground part down so I keep thinking he is having some sort of seizure.

Zach is currently into the Chicken Dance. As LBJ might have said, I will not look for a chicken dance video on YouTube, and if I find one, I will not post it.

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