
Short End of the Stick

If you noticed the article in Saturday’s paper on my legislative agenda for this year (you can read it here), you were probably too dazzled by its substance to notice that it was written by Eric Ruth, who doubles as one of the News Journal’s food critics. When Mr. Ruth called me about the article, I told him that I thought he had the best job in Delaware. It reminded me that the Eric Ruth of Seattle, Washington is my little sister Becky, who is a food critic and editor for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. She has her own blog, which is beautifully written but essentially consists of taunting everyone else in America about the awesome food she is eating. You can read it here. I have to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars and stand in the cold in front of supermarkets, she gets to eat at some of America’s best restaurants on someone else’s dime, and then get paid to write about how tasty it is. This is not right.

In other news, one of the many things that I like about Barack Obama is that he married a beautiful, capable woman named Michelle. So did I. His is coming to Delaware on Thursday to campaign for him, you can get more details at his campaign website http://www.barackobama.com/.

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