
It's All About Obama

OK folks, there is really no news in Delaware today other than Obama News, so that will be our focus.

I could not go to the rally in Rodney Square yesterday. Zach is fine now, but he had to spend a few days in the hospital starting on Friday so I was pretty much out of commission. Fortunately, the Obama folks were nice enough to make it possible for me and Adam to scoot into a very brief reception Senator Obama had before the rally to meet me and his four other Delaware statewide co-chairs. Adam and I did not realize that we were standing by the doorway that Senator Obama was going to come through, but we were, and when he came bursting in and Adam came face to face with the man he watches on television and emulates, Adam’s reaction was—not surprisingly—stunned silence. I said “Oh my goodness, Adam, it’s Barack Obama!” Senator Obama gave him a big smile and said “All right, who is this?” I said “This is your biggest fan. Adam, do you want to say hi to Senator Obama?” Adam said nothing. Senator Obama said “what’s your name, buddy?” Nothing. And then Senator Obama said “How about a high five?” Adam delivered in the clutch.

When it came to the pictures, Adam announced that he was going to make a “silly cheese face,” which is what they were taught to do in pre-school for their school pictures. It is apparently meant to elicit a smile, in Adam’s case as you can see it makes it appear that he is being poked with an electric cattle prod. Still, something that he will cherish when Barack Obama is President and he is old enough to know what it means.

Last week, of course, it was Barack Obama’s wife Michelle who was in town. Once again, Obama Fan In Chief Adam Denn tagged along. I had to listen to most of the speech off in the wings—Adam came up on stage with me for the first part, but wilted under the hot stage lights and I needed to get the heck off the stage before he became a news event—but she is a dynamite speaker. Very different from her husband, but a tremendously effective advocate for him.

Tomorrow we need to work on making sure that Senator Obama is our Democratic nominee, and then after that, back to the work of me being your next Lieutenant Governor.

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